XT-6000 Professional Ozone Generator
Newly updated!!!! This model now produces more than 10,000 mg/hr!
XT-6000 Ozone Generators:
The XT series of ozone generators features a patented method of creating ozone by corona discharge. The best feature of a high-powered ozone generator is the ability to perform High Ozone Shock Treatments. These shock treatments kill mold or remove strong odors such as smoke, or animal urine.
The Air-Zone XT High Powered Ozone Generators are advanced professional models designed for high ozone shock treatments in unoccupied areas. That means no people, plants, or pets in the space when the generator is running. They are used to give shock treatments in specific areas to combat strong odors, kill mold spores and to kill bacteria.
Professional Ozone Generators work great for car dealerships, hotel rooms, crime scene clean-up, sports equipment, basements and smoke smell removal.
The XT-6000 can shock treat a room up to approximately 1600 sq. ft.
NOTE: This unit is to be used ONLY in unoccupied spaces! The ozone concentration must be high in order to kill BACTERIA and MOLD SPORES!
High Ozone Shock Treatments are generally performed with the unit run at full power for a measured period of time in an unoccupied room. The more ozone you blast into an unoccupied room or vehicle, the more mold or bacteria you are likely to kill. These treatments should be performed room by room to get the highest amount of ozone concentration. Ozone is constantly breaking down and changing back to oxygen. A smaller machine, even run for many hours longer than a larger one, cannot “catch up” with the disintegrating ozone, and therefore will never achieve the high kill ratio needed to remove mold odors, mold spores, viruses, bacteria and severe odors. Please see attached studies.